Wednesday, September 10, 2008

August, 2008

Our cousin Julien came from Auray, France to visit us and to see the wild west. This was his first trip to the U.S.

We did lot of things while he was here as you can see from this small sample of photos. Most of them were taken by Julien. That's why you won't see him in the pictures very often.

This is a shot of Old Tucson Studios. Julien and Barry went down there for the day while Cécile was working. Barry didn't really want to go but he ended up having a surprisingly good time.
If you've seen the movie Tombstone, you've seen this street.

Grand Canyon
Although the drive up to the Canyon gets a little boring after the 10th or 11th time you do it, we're always awestruck by the sight of this place.
Southeastern End of the Canyon
The South Rim
The South Rim a little further west
We saw 4 Condors this time. This is one of them.
White-tailed Deer
Julien et Cécile
Julien et Barry
The Watchtower at Desert View

After the Grand Canyon, it was off to Page. If we had known that there was so much to do there, we would have planned to stay longer than a day.
A double rainbow through a bug-splattered windshield near Cameron, AZ
View From the Carl Hayden Visitor Center
Glen Canyon Dam
Horseshoe Bend
Us at the Dam Overlook
Racing out to Upper Antelope Canyon
So cool!
More coolness
Cécile at Upper Antelope Canyon

We left Page and spent the night in Flagstaff. The Hotel Monte Vista was kind of a special place for us but we don't think we're ever going to stay there again.
The best thing about the Hotel Monte Vista
La gare de Flagstaff

The Storm
There was a huge monsoon storm Thursday night with lightning and thunder and hail. We watched it from the street before it reached downtown Phoenix (that's what we do for fun in Phoenix). It was pretty intense.
The lightning just starting

Puerto Peñasco
After all that driving, we thought we needed a little relaxation time so, of course, we got back into the car. This time, we headed south to Rocky Point for a 3-night weekend. We returned on Labor Day and it took an hour and 50 minutes to get back across the border. Totally worth it, though.
Another picture of Julien (with Cécile).

Bella Sirena 360

Blurry Night