Friday, August 01, 2014

Les dents, les oreilles et le museau

Il est presque 16h, Simone se réveille et attend Barry avec impatience.  

Under The Moon

There is the tummy

Look, Mom. That is Dad. He's got a tummy with a shirt on.

New Play Dough

We were watching those Disney Collector videos yesterday and it reminded us how much fun it is to play with play dough. We got a great set. Grandma had to come to try it.

Lefty Loosey

Las Galettillas de Josephina

Happy Birthday Joséphine - 112 years old yesterday. Still in our hearts.

Galettes de sarrazin with sharp Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Asadero and Queso Blanco cheeses.

Augustine et Joséphine (circa 1915).