Monday, June 13, 2011

Benis Dou Mamie

Mamie was a strong-willed woman who was very important to me. A part of my childhood and personal culture is gone. I am glad that I have recorded the sound of her voice. Her laugh was so distinctive and when she spoke, her French only slightly concealed the melody of her Bretagne origins.
I have pictures, videos, and memories. What am I going to do now ?  A garden. Mamie loved gardening. That was her passion. I can recall one of our last conversation. Knowing how sad I was to be so far from her, she told me to keep up my work with the garden. It is a great way to soothe the pain and to keep the memories alive. Benis Dou Mamie. 

Mamie, une partie de mon enfance disparait. 
Je suis soulagee d'avoir recueilli le son de ta voix. Ton rire etait si distinct. Ton francais revelait un son plus guttural que d'habitude; celui de ta langue maternelle que j'admirais.  
Que vais-je faire a present ? Un jardin. Tu adorais ton jardin. 
Me sachant triste d'etre si loin, un jour tu m'as dit : " Occupe-toi de tes fleurs Cecile, et sache que tu seras toujours dans mon coeur".
Tu es dans mon coeur aussi.
Benis Dou et adieu Mamie.

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