Saturday, July 12, 2014

MIM - Second Celebration of Bastille Day

Cécile Hortensia covers Alain Souchon

The Conservation Lab

The Gong Maker's Shop

"- What instrument would you like to learn how to play?
 - Drum!"

Mommy used to take some Flugelhorn (Bugle) lessons back when she was 16. This one was played by the multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Nadine Jansen. 

Barry and Eva's favorite instrument : The Fender. Eva loves Pink Floyd.

The Tree of Life.

The Birembau instruments

Boi (ox costume) from State of Maranhao in Brazil. Main character in Bumba-meu-boi, or death and resurrection of the ox, a play performed in northen Brazil for over two centuries.

Percussions and strings. Eva is in heaven, in Argentina...

... and Barry, in Hawaii

... and me... in Central Java.

Wayan Kulit shadow-puppet theater.

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